About Us

We have over 20 years of experience In All Over India We Have Reached

Mission Of Our Organization

Mission of Youth Kranti Foundation is to work for those Women who fight for their rights in India. Our Organization has been working since 20 Years to prevent violence against Women. This NGO for Women also provide them with Freedom and Financial Independence giving them a new lease of Life. Our Organization give Training to Women in Proffession Traditionally flows to them and helps them achieve Financial Independence.

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Institution : Executive Committee of the Youth Kranti Foundation.

Officers : President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

General Meeting : The meeting made up of all members of the organization

Financial Year : 1st April to 31st March.

Act : Institution Registration Act 21, 1860.

Formation Of Execitive Committee

* The Execitive Committee of the institution shall consist of not less than 7 members including office bearers, whose tenure shall be 5 years.

* Election of Office bearers and members of Execitive Committee by general Assembly will be done.

* Retired Members can be re-elected.

* If any post becomes vacant during the tenure of the Execitive Committee then the Execitive Committee shall have the right to nominate any member to the said post for the remaining period. Due approval has to be obtained in the annual meeting of the general body.

Terms Of Membership

Every Indian citizen who is above 18 years of age and ready to abide by the rules and objectives of this organization can become a member of this organization.

Application will have to be made in the prescribed form for getting membership.

The approval or rejection of which will be given by the Executive Committe.

Type of Membership and Membership Fee are as follows.

  • Life Member :-

    Any Person Rs 1000/- or you can become a life member by depositing it.

  • Very Distinguished Respected Member :-

    Any Person who is liable and have faith and belief in the institution and he can remain a very distinguished respected member for life by depositing Rs 5000/- or more.

  • Associate Member :-

    Any Person only Rs 100/- or more . By depositing the associate member can apply in the prescribed reciept and after the approval of the committee, he/she can become Associate Member.

  • Nominated Member :-

    Members of this category by the executive committe of the organization. Nominated can have right to vote.

Functions & Powers Of Officers

President :- To preside over the meeting of the General Body and the Executive Committee. The speaker shall have the casting vote in the General Body and the Executive Committee meeting would be privileged.

Vice President :- The absence authorized by the President or the Executive Committee, all will be edited as per his instructions.

Secretary :- To keep every record of the institution, the general meeting and the committee preparation of details of the decision of the meeting of the committee . To convene a meeting of the general body and committee. To Prepare a report on the proceedings of the institutions. Annual income expenditure report of the assembly in the annual meeting of the institution. To lay down plans for coming years. To cary out all works passed by the Executive Committee of the institution. Submission of annual progress statement. To maintain all the registers of the organisation.

Treasurer :- The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the income and expenditure of the institution and the executive committee will present the details of monthly income and expenditure of the institution in the committe. Receive the amount coming from different regions and given proper receipt. The Treasurer can keep a maximum of Rs 5000/- as contingency with him.

Source Of Income

* Admission from Fee, membership fee and contribution amount.

*In collaboration with government and non government organizations.

* Donation through grants & loans.

* Organizing various types of culture events.

* Institutions to receive grants and loan from any person or government .

* All the above income is in accordance with the relavent sections of the society Under the Judicial process .

* The Ministry of Home Affairs, after obtaining permission from the Government of India, Will receive grants or any kind of aid from foreign institution .

* Registration of the institution will be done under NITI Aayog portal within four weeks from the date of registration of the institution under the Institution Registration Act 20.1860 .

General Assembly Meeting

* The Annual meeting of the general body shall be held once in a year and a special meeting of the general body can be called at any time.

* On the written demand of 1/3rd members of the general body in which the signature of the member requisitioning and the point to be discussed in the meeting will be clearly mentioned.

* The secretary of the organization will have to convene a meeting of the general body within thirty days of receipt of the requisition.

* If the meeting is not called by the secretary within thirty days, the requisitioning members will have the right to send a notice to all the members of the general assembly and decide on the matter mentioned in the requisition of the general assembly.

* The quorum for all the meetings of the general half of the number (50% + 1).


* The accounts of the institution shall be maintained regurlaly and the same shall be audited every Year by an author appointed by the general body.

* The Inspector General of Registration, Jharkhand, Ranchi, wherever he wants can get the accounts of the institution audited by any auditor, whose fee will be borne by the institution.


Any Amendment in the memorandum and rules of the institution will be done only after the resolution is passed by the 3/5 members of the general body of the institution and the relevant section of the Institution Registration Act 21, 1860 and the relavent rules of Jharkhand Institution Rules will be followed completely.

Our Services

Educational Programs Social Development Cleanliness Program Health Program Social Welfare Program Agriculcural Development Sports Program Rural Development Read More
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